Collage of photos from Ryan's life, spanning childhood to current day.
Hey there! I'm Ryan👋
I'm a content designer based in Illinois. I have a passion for storytelling and a love of learning new skills.
How I can help

Content design

Content that makes sense. Narratives for any purpose.

Photography & videography

Capture a moment. Tell a story. Some things are just better seen through a lens.


Creativity, empathy, and simplicity. Quality copy is easy to grasp and makes people care.

Design thinking

Approach problems collaboratively and compassionately.


Develop good ideas into great content, leave the rest on the cutting room floor.
What I've learned

B.A. English | Minor in Theater

Carthage College | 2019
Lately I've been


Google UX Design Course | Coursera


"Mistborn: The Final Empire" by Brandon Sanderson
"Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen


"By Another Name" | Sci-Fi/Mystery Novel


Jury Duty | Season 1
The Bear | Season 2

Listening to

The Who | Who's Next (1971)
Pollyanna | OUCH (2023)